Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I have a miracle Baby! (It's not what you think !!)

dear mom and dad,

good week this week. first off, sister lim is a miracle baby. do you remember when a car rolled over her hand and nothing happened? this week, we were riding down this neighborhood like road, she was going pretty slow because we were going to turn, and a car came and drove pretty fast around her, and as he came around her, his bumper hit the front wheel of her bike. it was loud, too. but she didn't even fall or anything, and nothing happened to her bike! the guy stopped up the road, and got out, all mad, we were just standing in the road, no way were we going over there, he checked his car and drove off. crazytown. haha, and then the next day we were going up a hill, and sister lim ran into a parked car! sister lim's balance isn't that great, and I've taken to riding behind her on the bike, just to watch her, and sometimes its kind of scary, maybe I'm just paranoid, but i feel like i notice a lot of close calls. not that much, but sometimes. but the other day we were coming back from an apartment complex that is kind of far. before we left we prayed for our next appointment, and as an after thought, i prayed that we would be safe. and then one minute later, we were waiting to turn onto this road, a car is coming, pretty fast, and sister lim starts going, aah! sister lim! I'm yelling, there is a car! she got across okay, she said he was in the other lane, but he wasn't, and it was way scary. I'm glad she's still here. sister lim is definitely a miracle baby, but lets not push our luck.

one cool thing about missionary work, is that you get to see people from the start, and see how they change, and sometimes you can detect the thing that really opened them up, that made them excited about the gospel, and its different for every person. sometimes at the beginning of teaching people, they have the attitude of, okay, sure, I'll listen. but then something clicks and then they are all in, and eating up what you say and at church every week, its really cool. for simbut, she didn't even like listening, and only listened because her husband wanted to, but after she came to church for the first time, she loved it, and it was her answering the questions, and sharing the gospel with her friends. we are teaching this other lady, Emba, and she listened at first because she didn't have any other religion. but one day we brought a member over who shared her testimony and experience, and all emba needed was a friend with her. before she never would commit to come to church, but after she met sister Mellon and sister Ida, she really wanted to learn, and church was no problem. its very cool. we had a lesson last night, that was really cool. it was our first time meeting this family, a dad, a mom, and an 18 month old. they were so friendly. we asked them if they had ever heard of the bible, and she said yes, and got up to get it, and lo and behold she brings back a book of Mormon. missionaries had taught them a little a long time ago. we just shared a little about prophets and Joseph Smith, and about heavenly father, but what we said really touched Jenny, the wife. i think that was the opening point for her. we asked if we could come back and Sasok, the husband said maybe after Chinese new year (nooooo...!!! Chinese new year is two weeks long, ps) but then i asked them if we could meet once before Chinese new year, 'can we come next Tuesday?' i said, and jenny said, 'boleh, boleh boleh!' (can, can, can!) but I'm so excited for that family, they were so easy to talk to, like we had been friends for a long time already. and we just found them knocking, i think we only knocked like doors that day, we just had a little extra time, and i like them so much now, even after meeting only one time.

but changes are coming, me and sister lim can feel it, we've already been companions for five months now, can you believe that? it is seriously crazytown. i love the mission! and its going by in a flash. i love you family!

sister Harrison

PS i love sister lim so much. sometimes i get stressed out about numbers, and its bad, because that isn't really the important part. but we were singing 'let us all press on' (an awesome missionary song, PS) and she pointed out a good line for me, 'we will not retreat, though our numbers maybe be few....' haha! she's awesome

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