Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chinese New Year, Hurray !!

dear mom and dad,
Christmas and new years are over now, and Chinese new year is in full swing! it doesn't technically start until February third, but that doesn't prevent every store and business from loudly playing Chinese new year music, fast paced, high pitched, sounds like the same three songs over and over, oh yeah. but that is the only down side to Chinese new year, and I'm hoping against hope that i will still be here with sister lim until then, it will be my best Chinese new year ever! go year of the rabbit!
anyway, I'm glad the holidays are over. the work was a little bit slower, and it was hard to find new people, and i think I've gotten distracted or something lately, i don't know, but i want to start doing better. it always surprises me that even if you are thinking and teaching about the gospel every day you still can lose touch a little bit. but now we know, and knowing is half the battle, and i want to stay focused on what is important until the very end.
in other news, we met the coolest person this last week. he was a friend of the first counselor, he came to the branch party on Saturday, and then to church on Sunday. you know people are good when you actually meet them in church. His name is Palima, and on Sunday night we got the chance to teach him the first lesson. we asked him how he liked church, and he loved class so much. we taught him a little about Joseph smith and the priesthood, and i taught the apostasy differently than i have ever taught it, and that was cool. He was so into the lesson, basically eating up everything that we were saying. we asked him what he thought about everything so far, and he thanked us for teaching him, and he said, 'now i know, that this is the way for me.' ! me and sister lim were so happy, we didn't know what to say. then he asked us if there were things that weren't allowed in our church, (a lot of people think that we can't eat pork.) oh great, the word of wisdom on the first lesson. so i said, yeah, Joseph smith, when he became the prophet, received revelation, a law of health, and there are five things that the lord told us are not good for our bodies. bam bam bam bam bam. and guess what? he said, now i know that there are two special things about this church, class and the word of wisdom. haha, he is awesome. the saddest thing? he lives so far away! he is moving here, but not until later this year, and he only come every once in awhile. but he will get baptized, and I'm glad i got the opportunity to teach him once. what a great guy.
isn't heavenly father the best? even though i still have a long way to go, he still lets us be a part of really cool things. that's sort of how i feel about my whole mission, so happy that i got to be a part of it, just for a little while.
i love you family, I'll let you know next week about my release date. is it just mom and dad who are coming? any sibs coming along? just wondering. love you, have fun in the snow, suckers. and I'll have fun being sweaty all the time, haha
sister Harrison

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