Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Now you know what MILO is.

hi family!
mom and dad, you are the best, thank you for sending me awesome stuff all the time, I'm sorry i always am asking you guys to send me stuff, but i am forever grateful. this week was really good, we finished up the training in Sibu, and we came back to dive into the work, only to have sister lim leave on Monday to go to Singapore to chop her passport. she has to go back nearly every month because usually they only give her thirty days, unless she gets an extension. but now she is back, and we are back, and we have some cool people right now. most of them are families, which is really cool, i have never really taught families before now, so i am really grateful we got to find them and have the opportunity to teach them. they are all having their own personal struggles right now, meaning that none of them came to church last week. lame. but hopefully this week will be another story, and my district leader says we have to be bold and everything, so we are working on that.
i'm glad to hear that mom is doing better, and that she is working furiously along with the orchestra, i can't wait to hear her! and also i am waiting on pins and needles to hear how lance's date went.. haha seriously tell me i want to know.
but family, i love you and things are doing really well here, have a good Halloween!
sister Harrison
PS. milo is a chocolate malt drink, sort of like hot chocolate but not quite. it is delicious hot or cold, i hear you can get it in America at the Asian market, so don't worry family, i will have you try it and you will love it too!
we live above elder and sister reidt, and sister reidt has been helping me do a little quilt (don't worry, all on pday) but its turning out pretty cool, and we included a picture.. hibiscus is the national flower, bunga raya love you fam!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sibu Mission Training

hi fam, I'm writing you from the sibu, the city of my birth. we are here for mission training, and it is really weird to be back here. the last time i was here, it was January! insane, it is October right now. mostly everything is the same, same house same church, same email place. weird. time goes by way to fast, and i think i say that in every email.
the conference has been great, getting us really pumped up for work in our area, and it is really cool just to listen to the gospel. we saw (finally) conference last week, and it went by so fast. Anita and ain got baptized last week, and it was a bit of a nightmare, we had ady baptize her, he is our recent convert from September, and it was his first time baptizing, and lets just say that i lost count of the times he had to rebaptize her. at least six or seven. oops. i hope he is not afraid to baptize again, but at least she is baptized, and i don't think she'll forget that one any time soon.
the funniest thing happened on Sunday, we went over to tom's house, we are teaching his family, his niece and nephew are Bianca and martin, i may have mentioned them before. anywho, they never want to pray in the lessons, they are really shy about it, we have been wanting them to pray for at least two weeks now. tom finally prayed at the beginning, and we hardly even had to ask him. it was a really good prayer. so we asked martin to give the closing prayer, and we wrote an outline for a prayer in his book of Mormon, and said he could follow it as he prayed. so he agreed. and basically, translated into english, this is how it went, 'Heavenly Father, speak from your heart..' haha the whole family busted up laughing, even martin. they are such a good family, the only problem is that tom works every Sunday. but, he says after October his job on Sundays is ending, so we are excited for them.

love your favorite little Malaysian,
sister Harrison

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Baptisms are Awesome !!

hi family, hi mom and dad,
guess what? we get to watch conference this weekend! cool, huh? but we are super excited, i can't believe it has already been six months since the last time i saw conference. dang time goes by fast. we are also having a baptism this weekend, so it is has been an awesome week. Anita and ain are getting baptized. the craziest story of how we met them. they knew elders a long time ago, maybe more than a year. but they saw some elders riding their bikes and yelled out to them, the elders stopped and got there number, and gave it to us. then like a week later, like an hour before church, i was calling people, trying to get people to come, and i just called them and told them about church, and Anita showed up with four kids in tow. so freaking awesome. since then she has come every week, and is super strong. she is from Indonesia, just like Ady, who got baptized last month, and Dorina, who got baptized in August. and not only are they all Indonesian, they are are they same dialect of Indonesian. sweet. they are starting a little Indonesian club. yesterday i met another Indonesian from the same place as them, so we'll try to get him converted too. and they are all super strong together, it is really cool to see. so baptism, conference, and next week we are going to Sibu for mission conference. crazy, i feel like I'm traveling as much as you guys are! it will be really cool to be back in Sibu, i haven't been there since January. Dang.
yesterday we saw these people we are teaching, Reni and Tedong, and Tedong, the dad, said some pretty cool things. first, i was asking him what faith means, and in effect, he said it is when we want to do good and don't want to do bad anymore. what a good answer. sure faith is when we believe, but is when we believe enough to follow, to change our lives. he is cool. we were asking them about baptism, and he said the only thing he is afraid of is starting to follow something, and then later not being able to follow it. so cool huh? usually people don't even think it through that far. so if he was to get baptized, he knows he is in it for good, that it is a real change in his life. we are excited for him. hopefully in a few weeks i will be telling you that they are getting baptized!
but i love you family, have a good week,
sister Harrison

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's the Rainy Season !

dear mom and dad, and the rest of the family too,
hi dad i like your email, and I'm glad hear that you are deliberating over my Christmas package, haha.

hi mom my favorite part of your email was when you said "we are enjoying your letters and emails immensely" i wrote this in the letter I'm sending, but two nights ago i had a horrible dream i was at home and you and dad sat me down and said that you hated my letters! crazy dream, huh? but i totally thought it was real, and i was crying in my dream and everything, so i am really happy that that is not the case. thanks for liking my letters. and don't worry, my dreams aren't all bad. last night sister lim said l was laughing out loud in my sleep. creepy, yes. it must have been pretty funny.
kuching is good. the wet season has starting in true Malaysian fashion by completely soaking us, and then as soon as we buy rain coats and drag them around with us everywhere, it has been as dry and hot as ever. I'll include a picture, we bought temporary bright yellow raincoats, that we wore over our bags and under our helmets, and they were billowing out in the wind. as if we didn't stand out enough. oh well.
next week we will be getting ready for a baptism, Anita and her daughter Ain. Anita is really cool. she comes to church every week even though she has to sit outside the whole time because her baby just cries and cries. he is such a sad baby. his dad is a big drug user, the first of it I've ever seen in Malaysia, and sometimes i worry that that is why he cries all the time. so so sad, but I'm happy we got to meet Anita anyway, and really happy she always comes to church.
i love you family, so much!
sister Harrison