Friday, January 21, 2011

Singapore, it's still there!

hi mom and dad!

parents, things are going so good here in kuching. i just barely got back from visa run in Singapore, that is why i am late emailing you. there were three other sisters there, and it was really fun. we got to go out to lunch with sister lim's mom, and we got to see the 'merlion' which is like Singapore's mascot, and i got yelled at for drinking water at the metro station. apparently there is no eating or drinking on the metro, and i found out, hard, that it includes water, too. sheesh. Singapore put me on a little high because everyone thought i was so funny there. recently, i feel like I've been losing my sense of humor, but its back, baby!
oh here's a funny little story for you. of course, here, everyone tries to guess the transfers and who is going where and who is training who, blah blah blah. me and sister lim basically worked it out that i have to be training next time, two new sisters come at the beginning of February. I'm almost 100 percent sure one will come here, but we will see. so i was talking to sister hite, we were getting our bags out of the car, and i was saying something about how i was sad i never got to be her companion, because we get along really well (she thinks I'm funny, and so i like her). and so i say," when i get my new trainee, she'd better be fun" forgetting the whole while that my mission president is waiting just outside the car, and that i really have no idea if i am going to train or not. oops. i hope he didn't hear me. i tried to backpedal a bit, 'uhh, i mean, if, uhh, thats just what me and sister lim think..' oh gosh.
also while we were in Singapore, they had us sing songs from the children's songbook in Malay, so they could record them, make cds, and give them out to members. oh yeah. just one person singing their heart out. i sang four songs, a child's prayer, he sent his son, when i am baptized, and stars were gleaming. it was pretty scary, and he played your voice right back out to you, yikes. but we got through it, and i stopped worrying about how my voice sounded, because i was mostly stressed out about the pronunciation and stuff, and whoever laid down the music track had an odd sense of timing, there were definitely a few rouge formattas in there. I'll save a CD so you can hear my voice. lovely.
but i love you, mom and dad, there are a lot more stories, but they will have to wait. say hi to everyone for me!

sister Harrison

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