Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Short and Sweet !

I'm sorry but this email has to be super fast because my time is up and we have to go home to go to this thing for Chinese new year! Chinese new year is absolutely crazy here. gong xi fa cai. I'll write you more in the letter.
today was such an awesome email day, shout out to mom, dad, lance and Kim! sorry lance and Kim, i will write you next week, but i loved you emails. i love my family!

today i will say that missionary work is awesome, we have met some pretty golden people recently. i used to think that golden people were few and far between, but then i came on a mission, and it seems like we are always meeting them! well, relatively always. a member brought his friend to church last week, and he was commenting in class, about how the holy ghost feels, and then we talked to him after church, and he says he really has wondered why there are so many different churches who teach different things, and then he texted us to set up and appointment. he wanted to meet on Sunday, so i said, how about we meet you right after church? all sly, and he said, yep, that's great, I'll see you at church. ! his name is elister. I'll send you a picture when he is baptized. haha. but i love it here, and guess what? already registered for summer semester, look out byu. I'm taking two dance classes. bad idea? we shall see. not very much selection, word up.

loveyou family, so much. maybe next week I'll have a new companion. we know nothing yet, but I'd be willing to bet a lot a ringgit. love you!

sister Harrison

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