Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Treats Gone Wild?

hi mom and dad!

it was so great to talk to you on Christmas, and really weird at the same time, sometimes i feel so far away, its weird that life is still going on like normal back home. weird.
basically, Christmas is insane, and my least favorite holiday in Malaysia ever! haha, is that over dramatic? so for Christmas, everyone invites you over to their house and you have to eat at every house you go to. like a meal. rice at every house. it was so bad, mom and dad. we were so full by the second house, and people kept saying, we cooked especially for you! we went to seven houses. and the last house, they are pretty well off, they had tons of people over, they made turkey and ham and lamb and all this stuff, and they loaded our plates with meat. and to top of the day, i got a flat tire, so the couple came to pick us up to take us home, and they came early, so we had to eat so fast, stuffing our faces with so much meat. merry Christmas, i never want to eat again! but other than that it was a really good Christmas. i LOVED my Christmas presents, and people love the Malay ctr ring, people are crazy for it. and the skirt you sent was so cute, and fits perfectly, and i can see me and it having a long and happy future, thank you so much!

the Sunday after Christmas i decided to fast, for a number of reasons, one of them being penance for Christmas gluttony the day before, and i think my body couldn't take so much stress, because the next day i was SO sick. i had a fever and a headache and an upset stomach, and i threw up in the afternoon, which was stupid, because by that time i had nothing in my stomach. yuck. we stayed in most of the day, but we had a few night appointments we couldn't miss, and i won't spare you the details family, when i got on my bike, it was pretty bad, I've never really felt that weak before, its a miracle i didn't fall off. we went to a recent converts house to explain why we missed our appointment earlier that day, and while we were there, i had to throw up again, in the ditch in front of her house. so bad. but after that, i felt a lot better, and we went to the rest of the appointments, and i was fine, they gave me something to drink and the bike ride home was perfectly fine. crazy. do you see why i hate Christmas? but now I'm fine except that i don't know if i will like rice as much as i did before. we'll see.

but other than that, kuching is doing fine, and since i think i am going to stay here until the end, I'm trying to really keep up the good things that we have seen happen here. i think one thing that i have learned is that you always have trials, no matter what is going on, so I'm just trying to push through them and have as much faith as i can. but i really really love the branch here, i hope to see lots of good things happen before i have to leave. but lets not think about that, there is plenty of time ahead of me. well mom and dad, i love you a lot, things are going good here, I'm learning patience like crazy and other stuff too. miss you,

sister Harrison

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