Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Transfers, baby

hey mom and dad I'm writing you from a new place!

i just flew into KK like two hours ago, it is crazy town. i never guessed that I'd come back here, never in a million trillion years. but here i am, my new companion is sister Goodwin, and she has three weeks left on her mission. haha, I'm killing of another missionary. but she's awesome, when i came into sibu at the beginning of my mission, she was in the same house, four sister in that house. and now, there are four sister in this house in KK, and I'm with Goodwin again! dang, it still doesn't seem real. i had to say goodbye to everyone in kuching, and it was so sad. i didn't know it was possible to feel that way. that is such a good branch. and as always, we have a baptism next week that i am missing, oh yeah. but KK is awesome. i can't believe i got to come back to sabah. it was exactly a year ago that i came here. i came last year on February eighth, and i came this year on February ninth. insane!!

so sad to leave sister lim, too. they are splitting up my old area, and bringing in two elders, so she has to show her new companion and two new elders around our area, and our area is huge! it is kind of a perfect time to split, though, kind of a miracle, we just started having good investigators in the area the elders will be taking, so they will have good people to work with right off the bat. very sad to give up good people though. one of them, Lidia, was so cute, she said to me at church that she was sad because she just barely started learning, (her family has been members for years) seriously, we've only taught her once, and now i have to leave. gosh, i like the people there so much.

but in other news, sulin and simbut made dinner for us before i left, and we ate jellyfish! you don't cook it, just put it in this spicy liquid, and it is delicious. the texture is just like really firm jelly, it was so good, and they said that they would make it again when you guys came, haha. but the interesting things i have eaten just keep racking up, jellyfish, chicken feet, pig's ear, pigs intestine, very good, by the way, if you know how to cook it. the sisters in sibu got feed dog by some of their investigators. oh yeah.

i love you mom and dad, being a missionary is awesome,

sister 'i forgot it was winter in America, suckers' Harrison

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