Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Almost Christmas !!

hi mom and dad!

this is a crazy week, sister lim went on a visa run to Singapore on Monday to Tuesday, today is p-day, tomorrow is zone conference, and Saturday is Christmas! it is insane, and its almost 2011. of course me and sister lim are getting worried about transfers again, because we have awesome people right now, and January is looking like a pretty good month for baptisms, we will see.
OK, listen to this crazy story. me and sister lim, seriously, have the craziest stories of how we find people. sometimes i feel like I'm kind of bumbling around a little bit, just doing missionary work the best way i know how, not sure if what I'm following is the spirit or just what I'm thinking. but i will tell you family, it is the spirit. this is usually how we find people. every day we bike around our area, going from members houses to investigators, and sometimes I'll just see a place and say to myself, hm, I've never contacted there. we should contact there when we have time. maybe I'll think that for a couple of weeks or so, and then, when we have the time to go knocking, we go there. That is how we found Angel and Buban. just a group of houses I've never been to, one night we walked over, there were tons of kids hanging around the door of the last house, so we said, hey, we'll go there. i kid you not, as we were walking up, the kids were rushed inside, the door was slammed shut and the lights were turned off. OK, we can take a hint, people are so weird. so we go to the next door neighbor. angel and buban. super nice, wanted us to come back, they are a young couple and they have a baby girl. they just moved here from Miri, and they just got baptized in another church there. but they really are awesome. we met them only one time, it was a great lesson. then, when we were back, nothing, door locked, and they don't answer there phone. so then, maybe a week later, we are at the church waiting for a member, I'm playing the piano and sister lim is bored, so she starts calling people, called up angel. angel said they had gone back to kampung, and had just come back to kuching that day! so we met them again, another awesome lesson. turns out they are going back to kampung again for Christmas, and we managed to meet them in like the four days they had in kuching. what are the chances! so we only just gave them a book of Mormon, but we are really excited for them. another day I'll tell you the other crazy finding stories, i have even better ones. so even though I'm not that good at recognizing the spirit guiding at the time, you can tell from the results. angel and buban asked us how we found them, we were literally guided to their door, thanks to their unfriendly neighbors. after we met them, we've never knocked the other doors in that area. never felt like i needed to. before i thought it was just my thoughts, but it is really cool to see your own thoughts be guided. i never thought that could happen before.
anywho, the work is going good, and i hope me and sister lim get a lot longer here. i've been here six and a half months already, and its been great. one day kuching will have a temple, and i will come back here. i know it will have a temple. its a really cool opportunity to get to be here and help it grow, the man we baptized last month, Sulin, i think he will help the branch a lot. we called them up to help us teach, and they were at the branch president's house from some Christmas thing or another, so we said, that is perfectly fine, just hang out with the branch members all the time, we are fine with that. they are so cool.
i was looking back over my journal, one of my first entries goes like this: 'do people actually like missionary work? i want to work hard, but I'm afraid, i just want it to be over already..' and then one of my recent entries, after a really good day went like this: 'I. LOVE. THE PEOPLE HERE. i love missionary work, i love Malaysia, blah blah blah blah.' there is definitely some growth there, don't you think?
so things are good, i love you family, so much. and i really love the gospel.
sister Harrison

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