Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm in a Three some !?!

first off family, i apologize for not emailing you more last week, i was very frustrated because my computer kept turning off, and we had no time left, so basically, to heck with it. but a week has past and I'm over it, a lot has happened in one week. the first most important thing is, I'm sick. really, like i didn't know a human body could create that much mucus. (haha just kidding, i mean nosy stuff) and my voice is gone. but i think it is getting better, i had a fever for a few days, but I'm on the mend. Do you want to know something funny about Malaysia? the people here seem to get sick all the time, like every other week they're not at church because they have 'demum' which is a fever. its demum this and demum that. at the beginning i had no pity, what could possibly be making these people get sick, it doesn't even get cold here. they are afraid to get rained on because they are afraid of demum. but now i kind of understand, because they weather changes so fast here, its pounding heat and then rain and then heat again, i think it makes me sick to, i can't ever really remember getting a real fever before my mission, now i get them all the time. weird, I'm turning into an Asian!

in other news, missionary work in KK is awesome, i forgot how much i love it here. it is a really fun place to live, we take buses everywhere, buses to the airport, buses to the hospital, its awesome. the branch here is so cool, its big, and it has tons of young single adults, and it actually has enough people to fill most of the callings, unheard of!

oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, my companion, sister Goodwin, finished her mission yesterday. it was pretty sad to see her go. she would have fit right into our family, sometimes listening to her talk sounded just like Jamie or Tracy. AND, she used to listen to the same yellow tapes when she was little, you know the ones, standin' tall, 'Mr. Robinson Mr. Robinson!' 'what a terrible mess' 'i hit your window with my ball, and i've come to confess'......'i'm proud of you child, for you showed honor,' 'I told the truth!!' and she remembers lots of them too. what more can you ask for in a companionship that to be able to sing about "Captain Dependable" together? but now she is gone, and instead of having four sisters in KK we just have three now. so I'm in my first ever threesome on the mission, and I'm probably going to finish off the mission this way. Sister Hite and Sister Howard are their names. S. howard is from Seattle, and S. Hite is from North Carolina, but she went to elementary school in Utah, so we could reminisce about playing the Oregon Trail and even sing the Utah song together. its not exactly standin' tall, but it'll do.
i have mixed feelings about threesomes, first off, its going to be awesome (before i moved to KK i was kind of sad that i never got to be their companion, but now, here i am..) but its kind of hard to teach in a threesome, kind of overwhelming when you're knocking, and if you take a member its like a Mormon takeover. right now we're trying to get used to teaching together, so far the problem is our lessons are pretty long and intense because we all have been on our missions for awhile now and we all have things to say. and it is kind of dumb to finish your mission in a threesome, i feel like the third wheel, they just stuck me here so i had a place to be until i die. i hate feeling like that. but i know I'm supposed to be here, and if being in a threesome is a necessary evil, it couldn't have happened in a better place, with better companions and a better branch. it is awesome here! so it is worth feeling like Mormon takeover.

I'm going to be so sad when this is over. missionary work is fun and it fills you up, so much stuff to do and people to see, everyone always says they love the people, and you know what? they are right. so so many good people, just every day people. it makes you never want to be mean to anyone ever again. I'm so glad i came on my mission, have i ever said that? it was worth everything. all the riding bikes in a skirt, and the sweatiness and the ugly clothes, all the crazy things Malaysia does to your skin. it was all worth it just to have this little glimpse into people's lives, to come and feel like you are their family. I feel like this week, i had a glimpse into what real charity is like. i think in a lesson i was feeling impatient or annoyed with someone, i can't remember. and then i wondered why i was feeling that way and tried to get over it, really concentrate on the lesson and the people, and then, bam, i love these people so much! who are these people? their house is one room, and they were sharing just a bit about what the gospel meant to them. that's all, but it was so cool. this was sister Roslina, the one that came to church for the first time my last week in KK, a year ago! awesome.
i love you family! sorry if i overuse the word awesome, sometimes that's the only way to describe things!

rindu sama kau,
sister Harrison

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